SydLAN2 is getting closer! VIDEO + SCHEDULE INSIDE
Moderators: SCUMBAG, INKoRP, Clan Leader
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SydLAN2 is getting closer! VIDEO + SCHEDULE INSIDE
Since the smash hit SydLAN1 held in 2012, players that attended and players that missed their opportunity have been regularly asking us for a return of the event. With this we bring you SydLAN2! Currently there has been more interested showed by the community then last years event, not only by the hardcore players but also a bigger showing from the more casual players hanging for a chance to play on LAN. If you have played Quake and enjoyed the game but never really got into it this may be a good opportunity for you to be amongst the ecstatic atmosphere and re-ignite your interest in fast-pace first person shooter.
SydLAN2 is now only 6 weeks away! With 50 players currently signed up and potentially many more to come this LAN is going to be bigger, more versatile and (we hope) more fun! We have put together the schedule for the LAN already as to let people know when their favourite gametype will be played and prepare early. Next week we will be sending out a final call for sign-ups as we have to confirm our numbers before the event, so if you know anyone who is still considering coming let them know to sign up ASAP!
At SydLAN2 we will have:
- iCTF
- iFFA
- 2v2 CA
- CTF (Teams)
- CTF (Draft)
- TDM (Teams)
- TDM (Draft)
- Duel
Seems like a lot of competitions? Check the schedule below!
We have devised a more detailed schedule, however this is the overview:
No player can sign up for two competitions running at the same time
10am - Setup/warm ups
11am - CTF DRAFT + CTF TEAM competitions begin
1pm - Lunch
2pm - Resume CTF
3pm - Finals CTF
5pm - DUEL (groups) + FFA (vanilla/instagib) competitions begin
7pm - 2v2 CA competition begins
10pm - Night end
No player can sign up for two competitions running at the same time
10am - Warmups/late arrivals
10:30am - iCTF + TDM TEAM + TDM DRAFT competitions begin
12pm - Lunch
12:30pm - DUEL FINALS begin (ictf, tdm continue during this as well- however players will be allowed to play in both)
8pm - LAN end
Please donate to SydLAN to help contribute to prizes. The easiest way to do this is to donate to 4sg. Prizes help us gain respect as a reputable event as well as rewarding the players for their hard work, so please consider donating, even if it's only a dollar.
Directly Sponsored By
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